Dead Can Gulch
Opening Hours:
Address: Dead Can Gulch, Colorado 81236, USA
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Customer Reviews
What a BEAUTIFUL hike! It is easy enough for children (my 3 year old niece walked it) and beautiful enough for everyone. The trail follows a golden Colorado creek, filled with mini waterfalls, and perfect to cool your feet, or refresh the dogs. Dogs need to be either "controlled by lease or voice" so it is okay to let them run around in the woods if you would like. There are spots for dispersed gaming if you are interested. The parking lot is small, but there was only one car there when we stopped on labor day weekend, and they were leaving. We only saw one other couple on the trail during our hike. Well worth it if you are looking for a simple, family friendly hike in the Colorado mountains.
Bit spooky...and I'm use to the out doors...not a good vibe.
This is such a beautiful place.
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